a trip to the lake
The story of our organic muesli begins in the summer of 2005. It is so hot that we, then 3 students, make our way to the lake. In the car we hear the radio spot of a well-known muesli company. We end up getting into a conversation about advertising and muesli: we imagine how much better our muesli advertising would be. Oh, and our muesli...
On the way back we stop at a supermarket. What does the muesli selection look like? We see a lot of colourful cardboard boxes with various cereals flying on their trajectory towards the breakfast bowl. The whole muesli wall screams "Delicious! But we are not convinced.
All of us like muesli, although can't make up our minds about the options in front of us. There is always an ingredient in it that one of us doesn't like. Why not mix a muesli that only contains your own favourite ingredients, i.e. "custom-mixed muesli"?
We make a survey to try and gauge what others think about it: "Would you buy cereal online?" But the result was sobering: none of the respondents can imagine ordering muesli online. Muesli, with its various ingredients and variations, is an ideal mass customization product.
Regardless, we continue to work on our muesli project alongside our studies. On 30 April 2007 mymuesli.com goes online. And it starts off better than expected: after 2 weeks we are sold out. The crazy thing: we fill every single can by hand at that time. And the muesli factory? It's on the 1st floor in Passau's pedestrian zone.
passau: love at second sight
Actually, we come from all corners of Germany: Hubertus from Emden, Philipp from Lake Constance, Max from Munich. Through our studies we landed in Passau (Philipp and Hubertus studied business administration, Max Jura) and have come to appreciate the 3-river city ever since.
Today we produce in the old Kühbacher hall in the heart of Passau. In 2007 we founded mymuesli in Passau because that's where we were based...that's practical. Over the years, Passau has become our wonderful "muesli town". So it's love at second sight, but a love that lasts!
the mymuesli shop
experience our muesli offline
Our offline story begins in 2009 (again) with a coincidence. We wanted to be able to have a healthy lunch every day because getting a quick, balanced lunch in Passau is not easy (back then). So we wanted to create remedy with "Brotzeit" (the working title).
A space is quickly found: it has charm, but with 20 square meters is only somewhat small. Prepare lunch there? Philipp has another idea: a muesli shop. We could sell pre-mixed mueslis along with organic coffee and fresh Bircher muesli. We decided to open on the 25th of May 2009.
In 2012 we opened 2 more stores: on Munich's Viktualienmarkt and in Regensburg. We designed city mueslis with a printed panorama view.
2015 is particularly busy as we opened more mymuesli stores in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Since then, we've been learning a lot and fine-tuning the concept. And even today, we still try out a lot and are currently testing a new store concept in the mymuesli store on Viktualienmarkt.

APRIL 2007:

APRIL 2007:
our website goes online

as of 2008:
europe, here we come!

MAI 2009:
August 2009:
Take-away muesli? That's what, we thought. We created the first mymuesli2gos in the 85-gram portion cup - in the varieties bircher, berry and chocolate.
JULy 2010:
A TV commercial almost without a budget? It's possible with an iPhone, an airplane and a tandem jump. It was then broadcasted on ProSieben.
JANUARy 2012:
new manufacturing with new muesli machine

APRIL 2012:
the first limited edition artist tube
An experiment for the 5th anniversary. A hand-signed artist's tube in pop art style - limited to 1000 pieces. Then there were others, such as the Swarovski tube, which we auctioned off for a good cause.
JUNI 2013:
We've already won a few prizes. But the German Founder's Prize in the category "Ascender" was something very special.
March 2016: